Last week I woke up one morning and was so tired of my hair. So, the next day I went and spontaneously got it all chopped off! And I even added bangs! It is a huge difference, and at first I wasn't sure about it, but now I'm happy with it. What do you think?
Bridget Turns 8
3 years ago
Wow, I went like a week w/out checking your blog and there's a bunch of posts now! I'm glad you're keeping us updated. I love your hair cut! It is so cute! I really want mine short, but Billy convinced me to keep it long last time I got it cut. Maybe next time... I'm jealous of your garden. That is awesome. I'd love to have a garden- especially to grow corn. I bet the kids love it.
I LOVE it! I think bangs would be a fun addition to my shorter hair too, but I'm a little apprehensive. It's such a big commitment, but yours look great.
I love it!! It looks so good! I love all the new posts! Ethan is so big!
I love you hair, it looks so good!!
I love your hair. It looks great. Sometimes it's just so fun to reinvent yourself with a new look;) Ethan is looking so big...what a cutie;)
I totally love your hair! I did the same thing! Isn't it so nice?
Fighting, huh? There is always screaming, threatening, crying, and pulling your way too cute hair out. None of which actually ever worked for me! At this wonderful time of year I am so greatful for school to start. But seeing as you are going for the home schooling, that might not work so great for you. Usually, I just let them try to work things out. When that doesn't work, I try to help make suggestions on what to do instead of fighting. When that doesn't work I declare time out for everyone, including me! Everyone finds a room that they can play quietely in, whether it is coloring, reading, playing with a quiet toy, or falling asleep from the sheer boredom. My house is basically chaos, I have just learned to tune out what isn't absolutely neccisary for me to worry about. But as I said before, school starts Monday and I couldn't be more thrilled to send my monsters...I mean angels off to someone else for 6 hours!
super cute!! You sure have been busy!!!
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