Sorry about the delay in posting. But after my last post, things didn't change much, so I decided I wasn't going to post until he finally made his grand entrance. And he finally did just that. So, here's the long story. Last week on Friday (the 16th) I went in and had my membranes stripped. I was 2 days overdue and getting tired of it, but determined to not be induced with this baby. But, I still hadn't changed from my 3 and 75%. I had been the same for 3 visits in a row! Throughout the weekend I had some more intense contractions, but nothing too serious. My next appointment was on Wednesday, the 21st, one week overdue. I went in and I had finally changed to a 4+ and 80%. I had her strip the membranes again. Then, because I was a week overdue, they hooked me up to the monitors to make sure the baby was still doing well. I started having a few contractions, and when I was done with the monitor, my midwife told me she wanted me to go over to the hospital. The baby was fine, but on the second contraction his heartbeat had dipped a little. She said that meant he was pressing down on the cervix, and so she figured that labor was pretty emminent, I guess. I went to the hospital, not sure if the contractions were going to get any closer, stronger, or regular. If they didn't, then she was going to come break my water later that afternoon. So, anyway, labor did start by itself, and by 4:00 I was at a 7.
Ethan James was born at 7:06 pm on Wed. May 21. He was....drum roll.....9 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches! And the best part about it, I didn't even tear! Not many of you probably know, but I've always planned on having this one naturally, and I did. It was an incredibly intense experience, but well worth it! My other boys were too drugged up from the epidurals to nurse, they never would latch on. But Ethan is a champ! He latched on almost immediately and hasn't stopped since! And my recovery is amazing! I don't even feel like I had a baby 4 days ago. I feel great, way better than I've felt in the last trimester! So, if anyone's interested in more details, let me know. :) Otherwise I'll spare you of the natural birth details. Anyway, we're all healthy and doing great! Joshua and Jared love him to death. Joshua can't keep his hands off of him. He just wants to hug and kiss him and hold him all the time. Jared loves him to, but he keeps more of a distance. He's still trying to figure out the whole baby thing. No signs of jealousy or resentment yet, though! Here are some pics of the cutest baby in the world!
Bridget Turns 8
3 years ago
I wanted to bug you to see if he had come yet. I figured you didn't need the reminder if he hadn't. That is one big baby! I was too much of a baby to go over my due date, and natural...I have always wondered about your sanity! I love you! Congrats on your new bouncing(do they bounce when they are that big) baby boy! He is beautiful and you are a champ for going it drug free!
CONGRATS!!! (And sorry, I wasn't trying to bug you with my last post. I've just been hoping everything was going or had gone okay!!) ...HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so happy that everything did go okay (except for the going overdue part! I'm so sorry!) And congrats on going natural... I went natural with Sarah and had a similar experience you had- way easier recovery, etc. Way to go!!! I hope everything keeps going well!!
Congrats!!! He's a cutie!
He is sooo beautiful ! Congratulations!!!! Im glad he is finally hereand happy to hear everything went well. Your such a trooper.
He's just precious! And 9lbs is pretty dang big... especially for a natural childbirth. You GO!
Congratulations! He is so cute and precious. It does look like Joshua loves him. I'm impressed that you did this naturally, it makes me wonder if I could do it. I want to give you a call sometime, but maybe I'll wait till it calms down a little w/ a new baby in the house.
It was great to see those pictures!
Love all the pics!! He is way cute! way to go on the natural witha 9lb baby you are amazing!
Hey Rachel.... I came across your blog from Jayne's blog. Thought I would say hi...and... Congratulations on the new little boy. He is quite the cutie. So glad to see that your family is doing so well. Check out our blog sometime.
Christy Waite
You are amazing! I am in totaly awe, and it looks like you are the champ! I am glad you hear that things went better than ever. I hope you are able to get some rest.... yeah right!
We need new pics of your bundle of joy! How have things been? 3 kids is so much harder then two! I miss you up there! Love ya!
That is so awesome that you had Ethan natural. I am not that brave!! He is such a cute little baby.
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